Annual General Meeting & get together

We’re coming together to confirm our 2025 Committee Members at our annual AGM, and to celebrate another great season of running together.

We’ve got guest speaker Thibault Delacrois, who’ll be talking about some of his incredible running adventures, our On-the-Trails prize giving  and some fun novelty events for a bit of a laugh.

And if you’d like to join the committee, read on to find out how.


17 November 2024
11.00 am
Adelaide Harriers Athletics Club

We’ll provide the sausage sizzle, you bring your snacks and drinks. Please book by Monday 11 November.


11.10 Welcome

11.15 am Guest speaker: Thibault Delacroix’s very amazing adventures

11.45am AGM

View agenda.

12.15 pm On the Trails Presentations

12.30 pm Novelty events & BBQ

Matters for member consideration

Confirmation of 2023 AGM minutes
  • members should note the amendment to Section 4 Treasurer’s report (see minutes below).
The Committee is recommending the following amendments to the Constitution:
  • Committee membership (Section 8b)
    Existing wording: up to eight other members who are willing to participate in managing the Association’s affairs
    Proposed wording: up to ten other members.
    Reason: This reflects the need to manage the growing workloads of committee members and the effects of committee members unexpectedly leaving mid-term. 
  • First Committee membership (Section 8c) 
    Existing wording: The first Committee of the Association shall be appointed from the promoters of the Association, and shall hold office until the end of the first Annual General Meeting. 
    Proposed wording: remove all
    Reason: Redundant clause.
  • Finances (Section 10a)
    Existing wording – the financial year is from 1 January – 31 December.
    Proposed wording: 1 July – 30 June.
    Reason: This will ensure that all income and expenses can be reported at the AGM; will provide an appropriate period of time for our finances to be audited (FY24/25 onwards) and support quarterly BAS reporting periods now that our income requires us to be registered for GST.
  • Holding the AGM (Section 11)
    Existing wording: The first Annual General Meeting will be held within 18 months of incorporation, and thereafter within 3 months after the end of each financial year. 
    Proposed wording: The Annual General Meeting will be held 5-months after the end of each financial year. 
    Reason: As above “the first AGM” is redundant. The 5-month timeframe is consistent with Business and Consumer Services recommendations for Incorporated Associations.

View the Constitution.

AGM 2024 reports and documents

The committee recommends that the following reports are accepted:

Chair’s report

Treasurer’s report

2024 achievements

2023 AGM minutes

2024 members seeking re-election

Alison Fenton

Ruth Fernandez

Jane Divito

General committee members
Andrew Norman
Jim Yates
Hans Bogaardt
Andy Syed
Sebastian Silva Lopez

New nominations

Nikki Reyne
Penny Thyer
Benjamin Anchor
Dean Huggins
Wendy Huggins
Kate Robinson

AGM process

All TRSA members and invited guests have the right to attend the AGM. Only financial members are entitled to vote.

Agenda and reports and new committee nominations will be added to this page by 10 November 2024. 

If we receive a greater number of nominations than committee roles, we will proceed to a vote by ballot.

Information about committee membership

What do committee members do?

Committee members are responsible for the overall good governance of the club. This means we manage the financial and physical resources in the best interest of club members and the club itself.

Our activities include:

  • strategic and operational planning
  • risk management and legal compliance
  • financial management
  • event management
  • communications

Mostly importantly a passion for trail running. You don’t need to be an expert on everything, it’s a learn-as-you-go type of thing.

If you’ve got any skills or interests in these areas and a willingness to work as part of a team, then you’d make a valuable committee member:

  • finance or risk
  • administration
  • web and social media
  • stakeholder and sponsor relations
  • event coordination.

One committee meeting per month, one meeting per event, some extra time if you are a race director/assistant race director or volunteer for specific projects.

Committee members can still run in our events (Five Peaks excluded) except where they are race directors or assistant race directors.

There are 12 roles on the Committee. You can nominate for any of the following:

  • Chair
  • Deputy chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  •  General committee member

Nominations open in October annually.