On behalf of the TRSA committee, we welcome you to our trail championship and fifth and final event of the 2024 On The Trails series.
If you ran this event last year, the course will be familiar. And yes, that nasty incline is still close to the start line – you can thank race director Mick Tagell for that later!
You are one of around 500 adventurous souls who have registered for the start line. We wish you a successful event and hope to see you at Anvers Winery after the event for some post race recovery.
Hydration vessel – we are a cup free event. You MUST carry your own drinking flask or cup.
Mobile phone – please carry a phone and save our emergency number to your phone: 0491 017 636 (also on the back of your race bib).
All runners should download the Emergency Plus app onto their mobile phones. This app will dial 000 for you at the tap of a button and provide you with a GPS location and address to give the operator.
Basic first aid supplies eg thermal blanket, elastic bandage, band aids/blister pack.
Appropriate layers and/or a rain jacket (depending on weather forecast).
Dangerous track – all courses ascend and descend a steep and in some places slippery hill near the start/finish areas so please TAKE EXTRA CARE ON THIS SECTION for your own and other’s safety.
If you make the tough decision to pull out during your run, you MUST inform us immediately by calling or texting the safety phone number on the back of your bib. It is critical that you do this – lost competitors will result in us enacting our search and rescue protocols.
WARNING: Mount Bold has areas of poor phone reception and areas that are difficult to access by vehicle. If you come across a person who needs help, please stop and assist them by dialling the safety phone, 000 or activating the Emergency Plus app. In the event that you cannot get phone reception, you may need to send another runner to higher ground. There are first aid kits at all drink stations if you are close-by.
A reminder that your personal insurance is not covered by your entry fees. It is up to you to ensure that you have adequate insurance in place should you suffer a medical episode or emergency.
Starting from WedgeTail Track on the western boundary of Mount Bold Reservoir Reserve, this race has it all with beautiful surroundings, breathtaking views of the dam, and an abundance of wildlife. Take a moment to take it in as you traverse the trails in the reserve, and if you are doing the longer distances into Kuitpo Forest and Jupiter Creek.
familiarise yourself with your course and download the map from our website
know the location of our drink stations.
The start and finish of the event is located inside Mt Bold Reservoir Reserve, Mt Bold Road, Kangarilla.
Extra Long course: Start time 7:00am
Long course: Start time 8:00am
Medium course: Start time 8:30am
Short course: Start time 9:00am
Junior mountaineers (kids run): Approximately 10:30am but listen out for announcements
Parking will be on a clearing alongside Mount Bold Road, accessed by Gate 84, 200m north of the sharp left-hand turn on Mount Bold Road.
Where possible please CAR POOL to help make this a smooth event. In the unlikely event that the parking area fills up, you will be redirected, which may result in a slightly longer walk to the start line. Keep this in mind if arriving later in the morning.
We HIGHLY recommend you access Mount Bold Road either via Clarendon or Kangarilla, as traveling along Razorback Road is narrow and winding. It should be avoided if possible.
There will be TRSA flags on the corner of Kangarilla and Mount Bold Roads to help with directions.
When you arrive at the parking area, you will be directed by volunteer car parking marshals. Please follow their instructions and keep in mind that they have offered their time to help our event, so make them feel the love out there.
The strong message from our SA Water friends is to use the toilets NOT the nature reserve! Cooperating with requirements like this means that we can keep coming back.
Check the entry list to make sure you are entered in the correct event and start time. If it is wrong, please see the Registration Manager on the day at least 20 mins before start time. Do not email or message us on Facebook.
We have a self-service bib pick-up system:
Check your bib number from either the link below (normally live Friday pm before the event) or on the boards near the registration area. HINT: take a photo if you aren’t great at remembering numbers or are collecting multiple bibs.
Enter the correct bib line (short, medium, long and extra long).
Get your bib from the baskets (self-service).
If you can’t find your bib, then ask the rego team for help.
Allow at least 30 minutes prior to start time.
Your bib must be worn in front of you at around waist height. It should be visible at all times and unobstructed as you travel over the start, finish and timing points to ensure accurate timing. HINT: don’t cover your bib with your hands as you race to check your watch the moment you cross the finish line!
The courses will be well marked but you should download the GPX files from the website.
Markings to look out for:
Red arrows are used to indicate a turn or reinforce the course direction.
Red-and-white ribbons 200-400m apart confirm that you’re on the right track.
Wrong way signs where needed.
There are various locations where courses converge or diverge.
A reminder that we will be strictly enforcing cut-offs at this event. If you do not arrive at Drink Station 1 (return leg) by the cut-off time, we will ask you to leave the course and your time will be recorded as a “Did Not Finish”. This is for your safety and a courtesy to the volunteers who have offered up their time to support this race.
If you are asked to leave the course, you can organise to be picked up from Mount Bold Reservoir Reserve carpark either by your own support person or by calling the safety number on the back of your bib.
Extra Long course runners: 8:38 mins/km
Long course runners: 9:49 mins/km
Medium course runners: 12.26 mins/km
Short course runners/walkers: 17:37 mins/km
Sweepers will start each event 5-minutes behind the official start time. They will aim to finish the course at the cut-off time or behind the last competitor (whichever is earlier).
Sweepers are an important safety measure to ensure that all runners/walkers are accounted for. They can also provide limited assistance* and advice to runners on the course.
*Sweepers are instructed to contact the safety phone if they encounter anyone in distress.
We have around 30 wonderful volunteers plus committee members helping us out over the weekend, many of whom are then going on to run as well. Without them, this race would be impossible. Say thanks and show your appreciation!
Trained first aid personnel will be stationed at the start/finish line. If you require medical assistance, approach the nearest aid station, call the safety number on the back of your bib or inform a race marshal. If you require urgent medical assistance use the Emergency Plus app or dial 000.
You may leave your personal bags at our bag drop area at your own risk. We do not supervise bags.
Your clean shoes are part of our social obligation to help stop the spread of weeds in bushland, so please make sure they are soil and debris-free before you arrive at the event.
Your results are available immediately after you complete your race. Check out the live scoring.
Presentations are normally held at 11am at the start/finish area. In the event of inclement weather, this may be brought forward.
Who doesn’t love winning prizes? Our supporters have generously donated some fantastic trail running gear and vouchers for the TRSA Members’ random prize draw which will follow the presentations.
You must be present at the random draw or still on course to claim your prize.
If you’ve forgotten to sign up for membership this year, make sure you get onto it next year.
Our fantastic supporters will be on site at the event with trail running gear to buy and try, so be sure to head over for a shop and a chat after your event. They’ve also donated prizes for the random draw, so don’t forget to say thanks. See who supports trail runners.
Sponsor Anvers Wines has come up with a great deal for a post run lunch.
Their special rate of $30 buys pizza and a glass of Razorback wine (valued at up to $41). Choose from:
To ensure speedy service, please book online and order your pizzas in the notes category of the bookings system, along with any dietary requirements. Make sure you click “TRSA Post Run Lunch”.
Come as you are and join us out the back.
Wishing you all the best for a memorable and successful race day. Lace up your shoes, set your sights on the finish line, and let the journey begin!
Best regards, TRSA Committee
South Australia’s largest not-for-profit, community-based trail running organisation.
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TRSA acknowledges the traditional owners of all the lands we run through and thanks those peoples for looking after the places we enjoy today.