Belair* Thursday morning social run

There’s something amazing about running in the early mornings. Join us as the sun rises and watch the landscape come alive!

Thursday morning, 6.00 am sharp – 7.00 am

Belair National Park and surrounds, Intermediate social trail running

*This group is based in Belair, but isn’t afraid to shake it up and visit other locations. It regularly rotates through Belair, Waite, Shepherds Hill, Sturt Gorge and other locations including the odd beach run. 

Pace: Approximately 8 – 10 km covered in an hour.

Run leader: Peter Childs

Gear: Head torches in winter

Closure: Runs will not proceed through the parks on catastrophic fire days, but may be moved to a beach location.

Information: All details posted on TRSA Facebook and TRSA Lounge each Wednesday morning prior to the run.

Location: EscapeGoat Adventures carpark (Belair National Park, Upper Sturt Road entrance) unless an alternative venue is advised on Facebook.

Belair and surrounds
Thursday 6.00 am